Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Willow gardener.

It must seem like I've been missing in action since I last wrote on this little blog, and you would be right, although I'd prefer 'weaving in action'!

Here is my friend the blackbird who has been a regular visitor to the workshop this year singing for his supper, indulging in my sandwich left overs and he sometimes gets a look in before I do!

In the lower half of the image is a willow gardener designed for a new garden center in Aberdeen, he's near completion here.
The second image is a close up of the weave and then finally the installation which was timed during a blizzard which hit across the East Coast and raised the bar from what was already an epic road trip from down here in the Midlands to a Real adventure, bailing off the main car logged tracks at times to investigate some of the more slippy scenic routes .

Willow man


Does my bum look big in this?

11ft high gardening Willow Man, Aberdeen.